Fabio Crameri
ProAc academic profile logo


Profiling, instead of ranking, academics.

Academic evaluation is at the core of how and on what we work, how we structure our career, how we treat each other, and indeed academia as a whole.
By introducing a visual, multi-metric academic profile, ProAc enables time-saving, objective and inclusive academic evaluation, and will support diverse talent, inclusive work environments, and scientific progress.
Too good to be true?! – Let us find out!
Create a csv datafile icon

1) Create datafile

Download the datafile templates and populate it with your data. Then export it as CSV file.

Create academic profile, ProAc, icon

2) Create profile

Submit your CSV file via the online ProAc toolbox.

Need help? – Follow the User Guide!

Read more about ProAc

Read about

ProAc with its metrics, incentives, and potential outcomes is described in detail.

Give feedback to ProAc

Give feedback

ProAc is community driven
and I am all ears for your constructive suggestions.

Contribute to, and support, ProAc

Contribute support

ProAc is an effort to the community, provided for free, and unfunded.
A donation, however generous, is more than welcome.

One for all, all for one. 💫

A fairer (and efficient) academic evaluation through academic profiling with ProAcLess publication pressure through academic profiling with ProAcMore open-access science through academic profiling with ProAcMore diverse academia through academic profiling with ProAcBetter research teams and teamwork through academic profiling with ProAcHigher research quality through academic profiling with ProAc

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Help improve ProAc!
To ensure your suggestions are most helpful,
please first read
 Crameri (2023).
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Online discussion

#ScienceMetrics   #ProAc



The Great Debate at the EGU General Assembly 2022:
ProAc Profiling, and not ranking, academics
A pro-bono project for the academic community.
Funded by myself.

Don’t do harm.
Be open.
Care for the essential.