Yin, Y., F. Crameri, G.E. Shephard, and P.J. Heron (2024), Changing your perspective: the impact of different visualisation methods on seismic hazard maps. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.
Fuderer, M., B. Wichtmann, F. Crameri, N.M. deSouza, B. Baeßler, V. Gulani, M. Wang, D. Poot, R. de Boer, M. Cashmore, K. E. Keenan, D. Ma, C. Pirkl, N. Sollmann, S. Weingärtner, S. Mandija, X. Golay (2024), Color-map recommendation for MR relaxometry maps. Magn Reson Med. 1-17.
Sollmann, N., M. Fuderer, F. Crameri, S. Weingärtner, B. Baeßler, V. Gulani, K.E. Keenan, S. Mandija, X. Golay and N.M. deSouza (2024), Color Maps: Facilitating the Clinical Impact of Quantitative MRI. J Magn Reson Imaging.
Mahecha M.D., G. Kraemer, and F. Crameri (2024), Cautionary remarks on the planetary boundary visualisation, Earth System Dynamics, 15, 1153–1159, (⬇︎Full Open Access!)
Crameri, F., G.E. Shephard, and P.J. Heron (2024). Choosing suitable color palettes for accessible and accurate science figures. Current Protocols, 4, e1126. (⬇︎Full Open Access!)
van Zelst, I., F. Crameri, A.E. Pusok, A.C. Glerum, J. Dannberg, C. Thieulot (2022), 101 geodynamic modelling: how to design, interpret, and communicate numerical studies of the solid Earth, Solid Earth, 13, 583–637, doi:10.5194/se-13-583-2022 (⬇︎Full Open Access!)
Kaspar, F., and F. Crameri (2022), Coloring Chemistry–How Mindful Color Choices Improve Chemical Communication, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 61, e202114910. doi: 10.1002/anie.202114910 (➡Openly readable document ENGLISH · ➡Öffentlich zugängliches Dokument DEUTSCH)
Crameri, F., G.E. Shephard, and P.J. Heron (2020), The misuse of colour in science communication, Nature Communications, 11, 5444. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-19160-7 (⬇︎Full Open Access!)
Grima, A.G., C.R. Lithgow-Bertelloni, F. Crameri (2020), Orphaning Regimes: The Missing Link Between Flattened and Penetrating Slab Morphologies, Frontiers in Earth Science, 8 (374), doi:10.3389/feart.2020.00374 (⬇︎Full Open Access!)
Crameri, F., V. Magni, M. Domeier, G.E. Shephard, K. Chotalia, G. Cooper, C. Eakin, A.G. Grima, D. Gürer, A. Király, E. Mulyukova, K. Peters, B. Robert, and M. Thielmann (2020), A transdisciplinary and community-driven database to unravel subduction zone initiation, Nature Communications, 11, 3750. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-17522-9 (⬇︎Full Open Access!)
Uppalapati, S., T. Rolf, F. Crameri, S.C. Werner (2020), Dynamics of lithospheric overturns and implications for Venus’s surface, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125, e2019JE006258, doi: 10.1029/2019JE006258 (⬇︎PDF)
Karlsson, R.V.M.K., K.W. Cheng, F. Crameri, T. Rolf, S. Uppalapati, S.C. Werner (2020), Implications of anomalous crustal provinces for Venus’ resurfacing history, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125, e2019JE006340, doi:10.1029/2019JE006340 (➡Openly readable document · ⬇︎PDF)
Crameri, F., G.E. Shephard, and C.P. Conrad, (2019), Plate Tectonics☆, Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier, doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.12393-0 (⬇︎PDF)
Crameri, F., C.P. Conrad, L. Montési, and C.R. Lithgow-Bertelloni (2019), The dynamic life of an oceanic plate, Tectonophysics, 760, 107-135, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2018.03.016 (⬇︎PDF · ⬇︎GraphicalAbstract)
Crameri, F. (2018), Geodynamic diagnostics, scientific visualisation and StagLab 3.0, Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 2541-2562, doi:10.5194/gmd-11-2541-2018. (⬇︎Full Open Access!)
Crameri, F., and C.R. Lithgow-Bertelloni (2018), Abrupt upper-plate tilting during slab–transition-zone collision, Tectonophysics, 746, 199–211, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2017.09.013 (⬇︎PDF)
Crameri, F., C.R. Lithgow-Bertelloni, and P. J. Tackley (2017), The dynamical control of subduction parameters on surface topography, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 18(4), 1661–1687, doi:10.1002/2017GC006821 (⬇︎PDF)
Crameri, F., and P. J. Tackley (2016), Subduction initiation from a stagnant lid and global overturn: new insights from numerical models with a free surface, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 3(1), 1–19, doi:10.1186/s40645-016-0103-8 (⬇︎Full Open Access!)
Cagney, N., F. Crameri, W. Newsome, C.R. Lithgow-Bertelloni, A. Cotel, S. Hart, and J. Whitehead (2016), Constraining the source of mantle plumes, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 435, 55–63, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.12.008 (⬇︎PDF)
Crameri, F., and P.J. Tackley (2015), Parameters controlling dynamically self-consistent plate tectonics and single-sided subduction in global models of mantle convection, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 120(5), 3680-3706, doi:10.1002/2014JB011664 (⬇︎PDF · ⬇︎Supplement · ⬇︎Movie)
Crameri, F., and P.J. Tackley (2014), Spontaneous development of arcuate single-sided subduction in global 3-D mantle convection models with a free surface, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 119(7), 5921-5942, doi:10.1002/2014JB010939 (⬇︎PDF)
Crameri, F., Schmeling, H., Golabek, G.J., Duretz, T., Orendt, R., Buiter, S.J.H., May, D.A., Kaus, B.J.P., Gerya, T.V. and Tackley, P.J. (2012), A comparison of numerical surface topography calculations in geodynamic modelling: an evaluation of the 'sticky air' method, Geophysical Journal International, 189(1), 38-54, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05388.x (⬇︎PDF · ⬇︎Supplement)
Crameri, F., P. J. Tackley, I. Meilick, T. V. Gerya, and B. J. P. Kaus (2012), A free plate surface and weak oceanic crust produce single-sided subduction on Earth, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39(3), L03306, doi:10.1029/2011GL050046 (⬇︎PDF · ⬇︎Supplement)
Crameri, F., and B. J. P. Kaus (2010), Parameters that control lithospheric-scale thermal localization on terrestrial planets, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37(9), L09308, doi:10.1029/2010GL042921 (⬇︎PDF · ⬇︎Supplement)